© Arto Hanciogullari und T. Tsekyi Thür


A Wild & Wessel lamp (W&W no. 1110) from early Historicism, dated ca. 1870-1875. Lamp body of ornamental zinc casting, painted black and patinated dark green in places (as imitation of green bronze patina of antique objects). The original paint is quite well preserved in places. Additional golden accents have been added by me.

I was particularly interested in the mythological scenes with quite well preserved green patina. Some renowned German lamp manufacturers (W&W, K&T, etc.) patinated their cast zinc lamps with a green colour to imitate the archaeological bronze finds of the time with green patina. This lamp with its mythological-allegorical scenes is certainly one of them. The two historicising handles are a perfect match for the lamp.

The mythological frieze shows a man in a chariot drawn by two horses, and on the other side a woman in a chariot drawn by two swans. The man wears a radiant sun wreath on his head; the woman, on the other hand, a crescent moon. These figures are most likely allegorical representations of the sun and the moon, or of day and night. The frieze is also richly decorated with cherubs and angels.

The font lid and the base of the lamp were quite worn and the green patina almost completely rubbed. I therefore refined certain parts with gold bronze. I was able to renovate the black parts as well as the rather worn edges of the lamp very well with the black patina paint (Patine du Faubourg).

The Kosmos Normal burner by Wild & Wessel was originally silver-plated, which further underlines the high aesthetic value of the lamp. After cleaning, however, there is abundantly little left of the silver coating.

Fortunately, I was able to acquire an old French ball shade that has very similar mythological scenes. This shade is probably a product of Baccarat or St. Louis, but is not shown in their catalogues.



Lamp Data

Added by me:
Glass chimney and ball shade.

Cleaning and repairs:
All rubbed areas painted over with black patina paint and decorated with gold bronze.

Lamp body:
Base of ornamentally decorated cast zinc, Ø 151 mm. The base marked at the bottom: 1110. Base and vase not separable.
Cast zinc vase with surrounding allegorical scenes. Two hanging handles of cast brass on the sides. Vase Ø 121 mm, 159 mm with handles. Separate additional container of sheet brass in the vase, probably glued to the vase.
Drop-in font of clear, colourless glass, cemented under the lid of cast zinc. Lid Ø 133 mm.

14’’’ Kosmos Normal burner of Wild & Wessel, Berlin. Initially silver-plated.
Wick knob marked: W&W Kosmos-Normal. Wick knob backside: W&W ornamental cord.
Wick tube marked: Patent Breveté S.G.D.G.
Flat wick 66 mm.

Glass chimney:
14’’’ Kosmos chimney. Height 261 mm, Ø fitter 52 mm.
Marked: Cristal 14''' + crown and garland.

Shade and shade holder:
French ball shade of colourless glass, frosted, deep-etched allegorical scenes matching the lamp. Probably a product of St. Louis or Baccarat in France for Moderator oil lamps. 1 brass ring on top. Without slip fitter.
Height 176 mm, Ø bottom opening 56 and bulge 190 mm.
Globe holder not necessary.

Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 35.2 cm, total height with chimney 65.4 cm.
Total weight 4490 g.