An old Moderator lamp, probably made around 1850-1860, which was converted to kerosene/paraffin operation at some point. For this purpose, the Moderator system was removed, but the inner, cylindrical tin container was kept and soldered shut with a tin plate at about half the height, so that a smaller kerosene/paraffin font was created. The actual bottom closure with the metal label of the lamp maker ("Lampe Aureole Brevetée") was then attached to the inner sheet metal container with three soldered screws. Later, an adapter screwed into the collar of the vase made it into an electric lamp.
I was attracted to the lamp because of the perfectly painted bouquets of flowers at the front and back. In the front, the bouquets are painted on a dark background, whereas in the back they are painted on a white background. The blue colour of the framing is not cobalt blue (otherwise one could possibly assume that the vase would be by Valentine Saint-Gaudens; see L.234). The porcelain manufactory is therefore unknown.
I treated the rusted parts of the bottom plate and the bottom of the font with rust converter. I was able to paint over the rubbed golden trim lines with a mixture of Or riche and Or classique.
For the shade, I was able to buy a beautiful ball shade from St. Louis with many garland motifs and two women's medallions, which goes very well with this lamp.
This lamp captivates with its very skilful 19th century porcelain painting and joins the ranks of my excellently painted porcelain lamps.
Lamp Data
Added by me:
Burner, glass chimney, ball shade and globe holder.
Cleaning and repairs:
Rust removed from sheet metal base. Rubbed golden lines painted over.
Lamp body:
Lamp body of finely painted porcelain (large bouquets of flowers in front and back in medallions). Golden painting partially rubbed off. Under the foot the original moderator finial with the metal label: Lampe Aureole Brevetée G.Y. fixed with 3 screws. Base Ø 133 mm.
Sheet iron font (probably the original Moderator oil container inside, soldered halfway up with sheet iron). Font firmly soldered to the collar, not removable.
10’’’ Kosmos burner of Hugo Schneider, Leipzig.
Wick knob marked: Logo of Hugo Schneider, stamped on sheet iron inlay.
Flat wick 50 mm.
Glass chimney:
10’’’ Kosmos chimney. Height 251 mm, Ø fitter 39 mm.
Marked: Cristal Supérieur Made in France 10'''+ crown and garland.
Shade and shade holder:
Ball shade by St. Louis, colourless glass, frosted, deep-etched portraits of women and garlands, 2 brass rings. Without slip fitter.
Height 150 mm, Ø bottom opening 52 and bulge 161 mm.
70 mm globe holder for 10’’’ burners.
Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 23.3 cm, total height with chimney 51.7 cm.
Total weight 1880 g.