A large, magnificent, stately cast zinc lamp that immediately aroused my interest. Despite the visible damage to the rim of the vase, I bought the lamp at auction. These damages must have frightened other collectors; because I was the only bidder! I assume that the lamp is from Germany. However, it does not bear any sign of a manufacturer. Therefore, the origin remains rather uncertain. The exuberant ornamentation points to the 1880's as the date of origin.
When I held the lamp in my hands, I noticed that the lamp body was really crooked. I had to raise one foot 6 mm (!) at the bottom to make it horizontal at the top with the spirit level! This was a much bigger problem than the broken vase edge. I had to work for a long time with gentle hammer blows until the misalignment was corrected to some extent. I also straightened the dent on the font lid with hammer blows. I first separated the broken vase rims, sanded them down and glued them with Stabilit®. After sanding, the broken edges are hardly visible. See the photos under Repairs - Working on Metal Parts- Repairing the Broken or Bent Edges.
The lamp is very richly decorated. The vase depicts a woman holding a dove in her hand and flanked by two little angels. The same motif also appears at the back. The handles are decorated with men's faces. The extremely magnificent base is supported by 4 little angels. The exuberantly ornate, eclectic decoration of historicism is very present here.
I installed the large 22 lines Titan burner of K&T. I was able to replace the missing flame disc of the burner with the identical flame disc of a burner by Schwintzer & Gräff. The venerable melon tulip is listed by several German lamp manufacturers. It was probably very popular in the early 1880's.
After proper cleaning and priming with shoe polish, I completely re-bronzed the lamp with Or classique.
This lamp is one of the most magnificent zinc cast lamps in my collection. I am proud to have repaired it professionally and restored its original, magnificent appearance.
Lamp Data
Added by me:
Flame disc, burner, glass chimney, tulip shade and globe holder.
Cleaning and repairs:
Lamp misalignment corrected. The broken vase edges repaired. The dent on the font lid straightened. Lamp completely re-bronzed (Or classique).
Lamp body:
Entire lamp body of fine ornamental zinc casting with baroque decorative elements. Base on 4 angel feet, 18 x 18 cm, Ø 231 mm.
Vase equally decorated at the front and back with a woman and two putti. Two screwed-on handles. Top edge of the vase with two broken spots. Vase Ø 165 mm, with handles 227 mm. In the vase an additional brass container, although not necessary. Lamp standing neatly askew. Original bronzing almost completely rubbed off.
Drop-in font of clear glass, cemented under the zinc cast lid with matching ornamentation, Ø 169 mm. Lid with a dent.
22’’’ Titan burner of Kästner & Töbelmann, Erfurt, with gallery lifter, for the French market.
Wick knob marked: L.R. Bec Apollon Importé.
Flat wick 102 mm.
Glass chimney:
20’’’ Matador chimney with slim bulge. Height 283 mm, Ø fitter 63 mm.
Marked: Riesenbrenner-Cylinder 20''' (in a circle) + a pair of scales.
Shade and shade holder:
Melon-shaped tulip shade, frosted colourless glass, flat etched motifs, upper rim scalloped cut.
Height 220 mm, Ø fitter 101 and bulge 187 mm.
100 mm globe holder for 20’’’ burners.
Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 40.2 cm, total height with chimney 73.2 cm.
Total weight 6310 g.