© Arto Hanciogullari und T. Tsekyi Thür


A French lamp with an unusual design and richness of colour, fitted with a Baccarat font and an elongated tulip shade, probably from the period 1890-1900.

I got the lamp from a collector friend. I had seen and admired this lamp at his place, because it stood on a windowsill with a light-flooded font and tulip shade, and fell in love with it! This lamp really needs daylight to unfold its richness of colour.

All the metal parts of the lamp, including the burner, are covered with a dark, shiny patina. Normally I don't like patina, because it is usually never that beautiful, but rather inconsistent, blotchy, dirty. Here, on the contrary, the patina is very uniform and even. I will leave it on as long as I can.

The Baccarat font is made of etched uranium glass ornamented with raised red areas. It is fitted with an extra filler neck, which is a rarity for French lamps. The tall tulip shade (was probably a tulip shade for incandescent lamps) is also made of uranium glass, with a similar etched pattern and decorated with raised red flowers. This tulip shade is also very probably from Baccarat. The font and the tulip shade complement each other beautifully.

The upper brass connector was unfortunately destroyed in the upper half. I separated this connector in the middle and replaced the destroyed upper half with another connector part, which fortunately had the same size and was also covered with patina.



Lamp Data

Added by me:
Glass chimney and globe holder.

Cleaning and repairs:
The destroyed connector half replaced with a new part to fit.

Lamp body:
Base of ornamental, openwork cast brass, on 4 feet, 14x14 cm, marked M... 51. Under the base an iron weight, marked: AD 5. Two connectors between base and font of sheet brass, the lower, wider part with 3 stress cracks, the upper one destroyed at the top.
Light green uranium glass font, etched Baccarat pattern, raised red rim ornamentation with flowers, golden decorative lines, extra filler, cap without thread for insertion, marked: Deposé. Font Ø 163 mm.

14’’’ Kosmos burner of Wild & Wessel, Berlin.
Wick knob marked: W&W Kosmos. Wick knob back: Ornamental W&W cord.
Wick tube marked: 14 Kosmos.
Flat wick 69 mm.

Glass chimney:
14’’’ Kosmos chimney. Height 264 mm, Ø fitter 52 mm.
Marked: Cristal Récuit 14''' + sun face with rays.

Shade and shade holder:
Tulip shade, light green uranium glass, etched pattern (Baccarat?), raised red flowers, fluted top rim.
Height 198 mm, Ø fitter 65 and top rim 145 mm.
70 mm globe holder for 14’’’/15’’’ burners.

Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 21.7 cm, total height with chimney 52.1 cm.
Total weight 2980 g.