A Wild & Wessel lamp (W&W no. 1697) from the Historicism period, probably for the British market, as it bears the British registration number 3704 under the base. Thus the lamp is dated exactly 1884.
Lamp body of elaborately ornamented, originally copper-bronzed zinc casting. Two handles are mounted on it. The lower part of one of the handles unfortunately broke off during dismantling; it was probably cracked or damaged in some other way. I glued the break with Stabilit.
However, bronzing had tarnished quite darkly and the font lid was rubbed off properly. To brighten up the overall appearance and achieve a uniform colouring, I had to re-bronze the lamp. For this I mixed copper bronze with brass bronze in a ratio of about 1:2.
I was able to put on a 16’’’ Kosmos burner from W&W, because this burner has a common thread size of 39.5 mm (compare the same burner at L.054). Again, I had to slit a globe holder for 15-line burners and adapt it to this burner to be able to put on the tulip shade.
The German tulip shade is shown in the 1912 Jacobi catalogue. It is much younger than the lamp itself, but I think it fits the lamp very well. A marked 16‘‘‘ Kosmos chimney completed the lamp.
Lamp Data
Added by me:
Burner, glass chimney, tulip shade and globe holder.
Cleaning and repairs:
Glued the broken handle with Stabilit Express. The entire lamp was re-bronzed with a mixture of brass and copper wax.
Lamp body:
Base and vase of ornamentally decorated cast zinc, Ø 168 mm. The base marked at the bottom: 1697 (model number of Wild & Wessel) and Rd.No. 3704. Base and vase not separable from each other.
Cast zinc vase with rich historicism ornamentation. Two stylised zinc cast handles, one broken off at the bottom. Vase Ø 167 mm, 211 mm with handles.
Drop-in font of clear, colourless glass, cemented under the lid of copper-bronzed zinc casting. Lid Ø 143 mm.
16’’’ Kosmos burner of Wild & Wessel, Berlin, with 39.5 mm thread size.
Wick knob marked: W&W Kosmos. Wick knob back: Decorative W&W cord.
Wick tube marked: Patent Breveté SGDG.
Flat wick 85 mm.
Glass chimney:
16’’’ Kosmos chimney. Height 274 mm, Ø fitter 58 mm.
Marked: Cristal Recuit 16’’’ + cock on globe with clouds and lightning.
Shade and shade holder:
German tulip shade, colourless frosted glass, transparent ornamentation, scalloped top rim. Shown in Jacobi catalogue 1912.
Height 191 mm, Ø fitter 84 and bulge 172 mm.
85 mm globe holder for 14’’’/15’’’ burners, slotted and adjusted to the burner.
Lamp dimensions:
Height up to collar 32.8 cm, total height with chimney 64.6 cm.
Total weight 4320 g.